Festival Regatta
Date for your diaries:
Festival Regatta – 21st July 2019
Open to Freemasons, friends and family.
Worcester Rowing Club – Free Parking on Pitchcroft!
First Race 1.30pm – PGM vs Assistant Grand Master.
Gates open at 12.30pm.
Enter the dry rowing competion!
Enjoy a “Wind in the Willows” themed afternoon of fun.
Fancy Dress Competition with junior and adult prizes. Will you be in a boater and stripes like Ratty, or will you be Mr Badger or Moley, or ….????
Mr Toad and his Motor Car competition
Prizes for best dressed Mr Toad and his Car!
Afternoon tea, bar, pimms tent, BBQ, children’s fun activities and much more!
Come along and support
Come along with friends and family to provide support for the PGM and to enjoy a super summer afternooon on the banks of the river Severn.