Lodge of St John in Bedwardine – Murder Mystery & Quiz
It would be much appreciated if you could help in supporting the 2 Fund Raising activities, described on the attached Flyer.
Having gone back in the Chair for a second time it is the WM’s wish to have some fun raising money for the 2022 Festival and involve as many friends and Brethren (and their Ladies) as possible!
The Lodge have therefore organised 2 events to take place before Christmas:
- The first event will take place on Saturday, 13th October and is a Murder Mystery. It will take place at Hallow village Hall and is based on a 70s Wine and Cheese Party. We have decided not to have a bar but for those attending to bring their own drinks – glasses and a wine and ch
eese type buffet will be provided.- Teams of 8 @ £10 a head.Please note the details regarding drinks at this event
The second event, on Saturday, 24th November is a Quiz. I hope, that this will be supported by all Lodges – it would be nice if all Worcester Lodges could be present but we are limited to 12 teams of 8.
- As it is at Rainbow Hill there will be a bar available.
- Again £10 per head with Fish and Chip supper included.
Please spread the word and let me know your intention if attending, both or either as soon as possible.
For more information, please ring 01905351554 or email alan_dally@hotmail.com
Download the flyer: